Sunday, August 14, 2011


The first payment out of the FOMG Fund was made today to the Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition ( for $1000. More information on AZOHVC is below. We thank them for their support throughout the search and rescue effort and for their ongoing commitment to responsible off-roading land use.




Officially in 2006 the Arizona Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (AZOHVC) was created. The group continued efforts to preserve trails, develop working relationships with land management groups, learned that they needed to know land management regulations better then the land management groups, developed strategies to preserve rights and defend the publics right to recreate on public lands using OHV's.


  1. Awesome! Thank you to everyone that donated money to help find Michael. He would've loved this donation. He felt free out on the trails. His favorite way to 'decompress'. This donation also helps all the Jeepers that searched for him. Thank you times a million, as Caden would say!

  2. From AZOHVC posted on AZVJC:

    "Re: Michael Sean Grenley
    On behalf of the AZOHVC we would like to say how truly sorry we are for your loss, if there is anything we can do please let us know. We are truly humbled by your generosity in thinking of us at a time like this, from the bottom of our hearts thank you.

    We will put these funds to great use in the honor of Michael."

  3. Here is the website of the SAR team that brought Michael home:

  4. Just to close-out on the donations. 100% of the funds received have been distributed. The break-down was as follows: AZOHVC - $1000, AAWL - $1000, YCSRT - $2016.03. Thanks again for all of your support. Books available to anyone that would like to see them. Sincerely, Rich.
